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Charities and Not-For-Profit Organisations

Charitable and Not for Profit Organisations provide a huge contribution to society.

They are stringently regulated, constantly in the public eye and often rely upon unpaid volunteers. As the economy changes so too do these organisations that battle on to survive into the future.

Here at Clay Shaw Butler we have the expertise to guide you through these challenging times and help you to prosper into the future.

Clay Shaw Butler has a dedicated team of individuals with the experience and specialist skills that you require to help with all your requirements. They will ensure that you are aware of statutory changes in good time for you to amend your records as required and provide you with up to date information to ensure that you are prepared for any changes that lay ahead.

Our mixed gender, bi-lingual team have many years of experience in this sector and want to use this knowledge to aid you and your organisation. Our client based knowledge is vast, ranging from small non grant funded organisations run by volunteers up to multi million pounds grant funded organisations and those supported by self generated funds.

Core funding is being cut and grant criteria is becoming more specific making these requirements harder to meet. With the current economic climate businesses and individuals are scrutinising their spending more rigidly, meaning that another source of income is now harder to obtain. However, this sectors role in society has not decreased. Efficiency and effective use of resources is key and the ability to source other areas of funding is paramount for survival.

Why fight this battle alone?

With our guidance and support we can help you to ensure that available funds are sourced and alternative methods of raising funds are managed correctly and to the best advantage of your organisation.

Our expertise include the following:

  • Initial set up of your organisation and the best structure for you to follow
  • Guidance on accounting packages available and related training
  • Guidance on internal controls required and how to monitor these
  • Completion of year end accounts in the relevant SORP format
  • Guidance on trustee’s report preparation
  • Preparation of statutory audit report or Independent examination as required
  • Completion of grant audits and the related reports
  • VAT and tax guidance including setting up gift aid schemes
  • Provision of a risk review and guidance on changes that you can make
  • Comprehensive advice on trading branches and related companies
  • Banking and investment advice
  • This is not intended to be an exhaustive list of our services so please feel free to discuss any individual requirements.

Client testimonials:

“MircoPharm’s main role is to supply snake anti-venom for use by the rural community of West Africa. In so doing, it probably saves more lives than any other Welsh company. Wales is the ideal site for such a venture since the essential component of its anti-venom is the blood supplied on a monthly basis by a flock of contented albeit ageing sheep.

Founded in 1998, MicroPharm’s activities were divided initially between Saint Bartholomew’s Hospital in London and its farm and manufacturing facilities in mid-Wales. At that time the Company utilised the services of a large firm of London accountants. Understandably its dealings were somewhat distant and with relatively junior staff. Since moving its entire operation to Wales several years ago, MicroPharm has employed the services of Clay Shaw Butler and has benefited greatly from the much closer collaboration (and significantly reduced fees!) that has resulted. Senior staff are available always to give advice and meetings can be arranged with minimum of delay. Of especial value, they spend regular periods at MicroPharm’s facilities helping with such matters as preparing VAT returns and management accounts.

MicroPharm holds Clay Shaw Butler in the highest esteem and recommends thoroughly their services to others.”

Professior John Landon & Dr Ruth Coxon – Directors MicroPharm Limited

“Cerebra have commissioned Clay Shaw Butler as our Company Accountants over a period of many years. As both a Charity registered with the Charity Commission and a Company registered at Companies House we demand of our Accountants a more specialised service than, I suspect, most clients. Clay Shaw Butler have never failed to meet those exacting standards. Throughout all levels of staff within from receptionist to Director, Clay Shaw Butler stands out in my experience for its approachability and friendly manner. They are all people that you can get on with easily and yet when it’s time to work they do so with clear precision and professionalism. In short I would say that Clay Shaw Butler offer a meticulous and professional service delivered with personality. Having enjoyed working with them over many years I fully intend that we will do so for many years to come.”

Chris Jones - Chief Executive – Cerebra - for Brain Injured Children and Young People

“Professional, efficient and approachable – Clay Shaw Butler has provided us with a truly first class service over the years.”

Gary Davies - Regional strategy director, South West Wales Tourism Partnership