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Autumn Statement 2023

A review of measures for UK businesses and individuals.

Jeremy Hunt delivered the 'Autumn Statement for Growth'.
Highlighting income tax, dividends, savings and pensions.
Highlighting National Insurance and the National Living Wage.
Highlighting corporation tax, capital allowances and R & D .
Highlighting capital gains tax and inheritance tax.
Highlighting back to work, state benefits and Making Tax Digital.

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Clay Shaw Butler, 24 Lammas Street, Carmarthen, Carmarthenshire SA31 3AL

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Clay Shaw Butler is the trading name of Clay Shaw Butler Limited.
Registered in England and Wales. Company No. 6519528. Registered to carry on audit work in the UK and Ireland and regulated for a range of investment business activities by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales.
Details about our audit registration can be viewed at under reference C001742711.
The registered office address is 24 Lammas Street, Carmarthen, Carmarthenshire SA31 3AL.